Communications, English, and World Languages Success Team


CEWL Success Team Contact Information:
Team Member  Role Email Phone Number
Tori MacDonald Educational Advisor ‪(951) 386-0685‬
Cynthia Ramirez Counselor (951) 571-6904
Norma Martinez Faculty Liaison (951) 571-6104
General Support Scheduling (951) 571-6104


Need to see a counselor right away?

Visit Engagement Center Live! Links to an external site.

Engagement Center Live! Links to an external site. connects you to an Ed Advisor, Counselor, and/or Peer Mentor via ConExEd for same day assistance without needing an appointment.  Students are seen on a first come, first-served basis during the times below: 

Thursday: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

In-Person Drop-in:

Monday: 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Need to speak longer with a counselor?

Schedule an appointment: Links to an external site.


Text: (951) 888-1414

Call: (951) 571-6104 

Online: Counseling Appointments Links to an external site.

To schedule an appointment with a MVC counselor, you must:

    • Have an RCCD student ID number
    • Have Moreno Valley College selected as your home college